late majority造句
- The latest majority ( although slight ) is in favor of Savoriness.
- Three weeks later majority of Catholic Polish priests were sent to concentration camps.
- Hemric later majority of the races with many top 5 finish but no wins.
- The categories of adopters are innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards.
- Rogers classified individuals into five groups : innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards.
- Much less does a dissent bind or authorize a later majority to reject a precedent with which it disagrees.
- Gold mining company Gencor of South Africa is the latest majority holder, having bought the company from Shell in 1994.
- Western Electric was itself later majority owned by the American Bell Telephone Company, returning control of BTMC back to the Bell organization.
- He proposed the descriptive Adopter groups of how people respond to change : Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Majority, Late Majority and Laggards.
- "We're targeting the ` late majority'_ the population segment that's newest to the Net, " said PlanetPortal's founder and chief executive, Brent Kleinheksel.
- It's difficult to see late majority in a sentence. 用late majority造句挺難的
- Western Electric was itself later majority owned by the American Bell Telephone Company, returning indirect control of BTMC back to the Bell organization.
- By introducing the system to certain early adopters ( Rogers, 1995 ) the late majority would be able to get to know the system.
- Two days later Majority Leader Richard Armey, R-Texas, during a radio press conference, referred to Frank, who is openly gay, as " Barney Fag ."
- In terms of the S curve, innovators occupy 2.5 %, early adopters 13.5 %, early majority 34 %, late majority 34 %, and laggards 16 %.
- "Crossing the Chasm " is closely related to the technology adoption lifecycle where five main segments are recognized : innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards.
- People can fall into different categories for different innovations a farmer might be an early adopter of mechanical innovations, but a late majority adopter of biological innovations or VCRs.
- In March 1946, the third patient & mdash; Robert J . Dole, later Majority Leader of the United States Senate and Presidential nominee & mdash; experienced a rapid and robust recovery.
- As chair, Anthony acted much like the later majority leaders, giving committee assignments to members of his party, calling up bills for debate, and often speaking for his party on the issues of the day.
- If not, then Dolan _ the latest majority holder of the Knicks'and Rangers'purse strings _ will be in the position of sinking the cable-revenue battleship Steinbrenner started nine years ago with the help of whichever corporation was then running the MSG network.
- Rogers proposes that adopters of any new innovation or idea can be categorized as innovators ( 2.5 % ), early adopters ( 13.5 % ), early majority ( 34 % ), late majority ( 34 % ) and laggards ( 16 % ), based on the mathematically based Bell curve.